PREJUDGING: 12pm - 3pm Room 230 | CONTEST: 6pm Room 114
Contestants are expected to show up 10-15 minutes prior to the contest start time.
EGG: Beginners. Cosplayer has made 1-3 cosplays.
This category is for those new to cosplay or those that have not entered a costume for competition before.
FLEDGLING: Intermediate. Cosplayer has made 3-5 cosplays.
This category is for those who have some experience in crafting and competing.
RAPTOR: Masters. Cosplayer has made 5+ cosplays.
This category is for those wishing to compete against other experienced cosplayers.
BEST IN SHOW: This award is chosen based on which cosplay the judges believe displayed the greatest display of skill and craftsmanship. All entrants from egg, fledgling, and raptor are automatically eligible to win this prize.
BEST SKIT: Award is chosen to those who had the overall best skit.
HONORABLE MENTION: The above categories will each have an Honorable mention, permitting number of entrants. (Awards are given based on judges, and may not be distributed.)
We will be doing “first come, first serve” basis upon sign up. There will be no reservations for specific time slots. Keep this in mind when signing up. Failure to show up to your given time slot may disqualify you. If you are not present during your given time slot, and there is time leftover, the judges may choose to allow you a retry. However they reserve the right to deny this.
If, for any reason, you wish to withdraw from the competition, please inform us as soon as possible. The sooner you inform us, the more time another contestant may fill the slot.
Eastern and western cosplays will be allowed to compete (Anime, comics, ect.). However, original characters or self-created versions of pre-existing characters will not be accepted. The only exceptions are genderbend and humanoid (gijinka) characters of already established characters (Pokemon, or other creature like adaptations, and a reference of the costume must be presented, not just the character.)
Upon entering the judging room, a full color print out of your reference material will be required. A phone or tablet with the image is acceptable, and must be readily available. The image is best to contain a front and back of the character outfit, so judges may compare. Now is the time to explain how you have constructed your cosplay and answer any questions the judges may have regarding the costume. Your cosplay may be photographed for later reference and comparison.
At least 80% of the cosplay entered must be handcrafted. An accompanying model may wear the cosplay but the award will be presented only to the creator. Anything that is not made by yourself (i.e. commissioned or purchased) must be stated. We are judging you based on quality and construction.
Cheating will not be tolerated. If we have reason to believe that you have entered a purchased or commissioned cosplay and are taking the credit for the work, we reserve the right to disqualify you from the competition completely.
Concerning a skit, a pre-recorded copy of the media must be brought in on a USB flash drive. You may choose to perform live or lip sync, however you must stay within the time limits. For a single-person skit, it can not exceed 2 minutes. Group skits consisting of 2-4 can not exceed 4 minutes.
Reading the rules is important to make sure everyone understands how things will operate and can run smoothly. Passphrase: El Psy Kongroo
This rule applies to the convention in it’s entirety but just a reminder; Please keep all entries PG-13 or beach legal. This is a family oriented event. Nudity and explicit content will not be tolerated.