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Washi Con Rules
NOTE: refusal to follow any of these rules is grounds for removal. Washi Con administration reserves the right to remove any individual deemed problematic. Security personnel have the authority to facilitate these removals, up to and including detaining individuals until law enforcement arrives if necessary.
1. All attendees must follow the campus rules of Eastern Michigan University. Please consult the student handbook if you are unfamiliar with the rules of EMU's campus. Basically, if it isn't allowed on campus, it is not allowed at Washi Con.
2. No weapons of any kind. Your props are permitted, but as with any convention gun tips must be orange and no real swords are allowed. Also, please be aware that is is a University and the Department of Public Safety has the final word on what is considered safe, so if an officer asks you to stow a prop, comply immediately.
3. Harassment of any kind is not allowed at Washi Con. A huge part of our mission is fostering discourse amongst fans. Pursuant to that goal, any disrespect on the basis of gender, sex, sexuality, race, ethnicity, physical appearance, fandom or expression thereof, religion, et cetera will not be tolerated. This is a safe space for all expressions of self. If anyone is found to be harassing students or other convention attendees, they will be escorted from the convention. Please contact a staff member if you are in a situation that makes you uncomfortable!! Panelists reserve the right to remove anyone acting as a disruptive force.
4. NO SMOKING. EMU is a tobacco free campus and Michigan does not allow smoking of any sort inside of buildings or on grounds. This DOES include vaping. If you wish to smoke, you must walk off of campus onto the city sidewalk.
5. Please keep all costumes PG-13. All non-facial mucus membranes must be covered, and excessively revealing costumes will be asked to modify or leave. Also, please make sure you are meeting minimum legal footwear requirements.